Research Showcase

Acceptance, Filter and Counter Information Contain Hate Speech among the Newly Elected Voters on Election Issues – Deddy Irwandy, Rani Chandra Oktaviani

By |2020-03-20T12:14:27+00:00October 25th, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT Hate speech has become a relatively new phenomenon felt by the Indonesia people. This is evident in the release of the Chief of Police memo on Hate speech in 2015. The behavior of spreading hate speech has long been done during the elections in Indonesia; through negative or black campaigns in local elections. This [...]

The Phenomenon of the Sharing of Jakarta Youths Into the Youth Synergy Organizations Volunteer – Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, Helen Silsa

By |2021-07-06T06:31:39+00:00October 2nd, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT Joining into the organization as a volunteer becomes a unique phenomenon among young people, remembering, a volunteer must be willing to sacrifice his material and energy for the sake of the organization. This study aims to reveal the reasons for the interest of young people to join as volunteers at the Sinergi Muda organization. [...]

Media Relations Strategy in CSR Program Geopark Ciletuh: Study PT Bio Farma – Sheren Audina, Akhmad Edhy Aruman 

By |2021-07-06T06:32:38+00:00August 31st, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT Media relations activity is one of the efforts that can be used to achieve the objectives of the CSR program, which is engaged in the underdeveloped region into an integrated tourism area. This research is expected to provide clear explanation of the media relations strategies conducted by Bio Farma in the CSR program Ciletuh [...]

Komunikasi Vertikal Dalam Servant Leadership Kadis Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Kota Tomohon – Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, Jeremia Engelita Wakasi

By |2020-03-20T11:42:23+00:00August 5th, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT The style of leadership determines the success of vertical communication in the organization. Rigid leadership and protocols are familiar to leaders and government officials. This study aims to find out and understand the application of vertical communication in the style of servant leadership from the Head of Education and Culture Bureau, Tomohon. This study [...]

The Role of Organizations in Developing Hard Skills and Soft Skills for Youth Perhumas Yogyakarta Members – Anastasia Marza, Ayu Wulandari, Dhita Widya Putri

By |2021-07-06T06:37:59+00:00June 20th, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT In preparation to improve the competence of the world of work, the development of hard skills and soft skills needs to be done, for example through an organization or community. The role of the organization is used as a training ground, such as developing hard skills and soft skills for members of PERHUMAS Muda [...]

Higher Education Within ASEAN Connectivity – Yuliana R. Prasetyawati, Cornelia Alverina

By |2020-03-23T07:54:29+00:00April 6th, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT ASEAN member countries are well aware of the importance of education as one of the decisive factors in developing a high quality of human resources. This is reflected in the inclusion of education in ASEAN socio - cultural cooperation dimension. This review will highlight the implementation of higher education in ASEAN connectivity described in [...]

Communication Adaptation of Foreign Teachers Facing Cultural Differences in International Schools – Muzahid Akbar Hayat, Heni Hayat

By |2021-07-06T09:07:14+00:00April 1st, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT This study aims to reveal the experience of adapting the communication of foreign teachers while carrying out their learning assignments in Indonesia. The focus is the exploration of the communication adaptation experience of foreign teachers at Jakarta International Senior High Schools. The dynamics of interactions involving negotiations, face-to-face conversations, situations and contexts of conversations, [...]

Communication Model to Build Entrepreneurship Capacity and Change Readiness of Traditional Market Trader – Akhmad Edhy Aruman, Sumardjo, Nurmala Katrina Pandjaitan, Dwi Sadono

By |2021-07-06T09:09:25+00:00April 1st, 2018|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

ABSTRACT Driven by the low entrepreneurial capacity and unpreparedness of traditional market traders facing competition with modern retailers, this study aims to formulate a communication model to build readiness for changes among traditional market traders. It used a survey to interview 559 traditional market traders using questionnaire. The study results were analyzed by Structural Equation [...]


By |2015-11-06T08:38:30+00:00November 6th, 2015|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

(Nareswari K, Cyntia Keliat, S.Ikom, Chrisdina, M.Si, Ayu Sakinah, Deddy Irwandy, M.Si, Arif Susanto, M.Si, Khotimatus S, MA, Grace Paramitha, M.Si ,  Hersinta, M.Si, Ramona Tirta, M.Si, Dr. Rini F Boer, Janette M Pinariya, MM, Veronika T, M.Si, Yuliana Riana P, MM dan Dr. Andre Ikhsano) LSPR through Research and Community Service Centre (LPPM) earned [...]


Kesenjangan Gender Akses Internet Terasa di Jakarta

By |2015-10-26T05:05:08+00:00October 26th, 2015|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Penelitian terbaru yang dilakukan oleh Web Foundation bersama dengan ICT Watch yang bekerja sama dengan LPPM-LSPR (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat – London School of Public Relations) menunjukkan bahwa penyebaran ponsel yang pesat masih belum cukup untuk membuat perempuan mengakses internet, atau untuk memberdayakan perempuan dengan teknologi. Survey ini dilakukan di Jakarta dengan target [...]

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