
Penerapan Inovasi Batik ramah lingkungan melalui video Interaktif dalam upaya meningkatkan promosi pariwisata budaya di kecamatan Bekasi timur, Kota Bekasi

By |2025-01-16T04:49:39+00:00January 16th, 2025|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS, Uncategorized|

Tim Dosen : Lamria Raya Fitriani, Dewi Rachmawati,  Yessi Pandu Pratama Wibowo LSPR Institute of Communication and Business melalui tim hibah pengabdian masyarakat dengan program pendanaan yang diberikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek). Diketuai oleh Lamria Raya Fitriani beranggotakan Dewi Rachmawati,  dan Yessi Pandu Pratama Wibowo melakukan rangkaian akhir kegiatan yaitu Launching Video [...]

Celebrity Endorsers in Government Communication: A Plausible Option amidst Uncertainty and Declining Public Trust- Mohamad Alppy Valdez, Rendro Dhani

By |2022-03-31T05:30:52+00:00December 19th, 2021|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT This paper examines the harness of celebrity endorsers by government organizations as a strategy of political public relations. The purpose of this study was to broaden understanding of how celebrity endorsers and key opinion leaders work in the political realm, notably in supporting government policy. This descriptive-qualitative research uses a single case study on [...]

Freedom of the Press Regulations in Indonesia and Sweden: Limited but Free – Haresti Asysy Amrihani, Rajab Ritonga

By |2022-03-31T07:38:28+00:00December 19th, 2021|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT Freedom of the press regulations are adhered to by various countries, including Indonesia and Sweden. Every nation wants their country to be free, and uphold freedom of expression and human rights. Sweden is the first country to regulate freedom of expression by enacting Freedom of the Press Act in 1766, while Indonesia has so [...]

Cyberintimacy Involvement on Building Emotional Intimacy in Close Relationship on Indonesian Tinder Users – Fahira Syifa Machfudz, Rino Febrianno Boer, Nicky Wongso

By |2022-03-31T05:45:09+00:00December 19th, 2021|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT Tinder, as one of the most popular online dating applications, is nicknamed as the hookup app. The negative perceptions inherent among the public were born because of how users in western countries operate the application, which does not follow the norms adopted in Indonesia. Many people assume that most Tinder users are those who [...]

The Hegemony of Western Pop Music in Indonesia 2010-2020 Period – Andre Ikhsano, Jeremy Asido Sianipar

By |2022-03-31T05:37:40+00:00December 19th, 2021|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT One of the strong and real cultural dominations in Indonesia is the dominance of Western pop music. In this case, there is a voluntary acceptance by the Indonesian people of Western pop music which leads to the concept of Gramsci's hegemony. The continuity of the hegemony of western pop music in the country has [...]

Indonesia’s Response to Covid-19 Outbreak: Raising Awareness through Community Engagement and Actionable Volunteer Contribution – Janette Maria Pinariya, Carelyn Josephine, Wulan Yulianti, Anita Yunia

By |2022-03-31T05:25:43+00:00December 19th, 2021|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT The world is in the grip of a health crisis due to the unforeseen consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic causing a substantial increase in distress associated with pain, depression, and loss. Indonesia is not handling the epidemic properly at this early stage due to a lack of planning and readiness on the part of [...]

Bukti nyata kepedulian LSPR akan perkembangan UMKM Indonesia

By |2021-08-09T04:10:45+00:00August 4th, 2021|COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS, NEWS, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

Pelaksanaan kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat “LSPR Literasi Desa: Komunikasi Pemasaran Usaha dan Jasa Melalu Media Sosial pada Kelompok Usaha Desa Tridayasakti, Kecamatan Tambun Selatan, Kabupaten Bekasi” Di era keterbukaan informasi dan perkembangan teknologi saat ini, penyebaran informasi sudah tidak terpengaruhi batas ruang dan waktu, dan menuntut masyarakat untuk berkembang dan mengikuti perubahan ini. Mau tidak mau, [...]

Sosialisasi Riset Kolaborasi PKKM 2021-2023

By |2021-07-10T03:57:17+00:00July 9th, 2021|NEWS, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

  Salam Hangat dari LP3M LSPR! Pada hari Jumat, 9 Juli 2021, Research Centre mengadakan Sosialisasi Riset Kolaborasi PPKM 2021-2023. IKB-LSPR merupakan salah satu kampus di Indonesia yang mendapatkan dana hibah Dikti untuk Program Kompetisi-Kampus Merdeka (PK-KM) 2021. Salah satu kegiatan ini yang akan didanai adalah program penelitian kolaborasi antara dosen dengan mahasiswa. Bapak dan Ibu [...]

Content Analysis of COVID-19 News on ANTARANEWS.COM – Daniari Setiawati, Artini Soeparmo, Deddy Irwandy

By |2021-07-06T09:12:42+00:00June 1st, 2021|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT The internet era is described by Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel (2012) as an era of information flooding, so that people are confused about finding accurate information. In the current context, this statement is relevant because Indonesia is facing an outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. The coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak is breaking news [...]

The Effect of Corporate Re-branding on Purchase Intention through The Brand Image of PT Pelita Air Service – Dinda Maisya Nastiti, Nadya Syavaranti, Akhmad Edhy Aruman

By |2021-06-03T08:46:39+00:00February 28th, 2021|Research Showcase, Uncategorized, UPDATE|

ABSTRACT PT Pelita Air Service or PT PAS is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) in aviation. In 2018, PT PAS changed its company logo. It is one of the corporate re-branding strategies that aimed to create a good brand image to increase the various services' purchase intention. This study aims to determine the effect [...]

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