
The Role of Public Relations After Bombing Incident

By |2013-11-14T04:27:31+00:00November 14th, 2013|Public Relations, Uncategorized|

The Role of Public Relations After Bombing Incident at Ritz Calton and J.W Mariott Hotel (Descriptive Study PT. Java Festival Production in Java Rockin’land 2009 Event) This research uncovers the role of PT. Java Festival Production’s Public Relations when holding an international rock music festival called Gudang Garam Internasional Java Rockin’land 2009. This festival took [...]

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The Effectiveness of Sponsorship On Television Programme

By |2013-11-14T04:18:42+00:00November 14th, 2013|Public Relations, Uncategorized|

The Effectiveness of Sponsorship On Television Programme Against Brand Awareness (Case Study: In the Program Events "Take Me Out of Indonesia" on Brand Product Awareness "Kuku Bima Energi") In development formerly advertising is known to build brands, but now Public Relations have moved avertising position. One type of crowded public relations has been used recently [...]

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Relevance Beetween The Quality of The Website with The Satisfaction

By |2013-11-03T09:10:17+00:00November 3rd, 2013|Research Showcase, Uncategorized|

Relevance Beetween The Quality of The Website with The Satisfaction of The User of Detik.com Dona Denanda & Fiona Suwana STIKOM LSPR ABSTRACT Currently, the internet developed rapidly especially in communciation technology and information in Indonesia. The growth had been encouraged the society to easily responsive with the information of recently situation in Indonesia. Also, [...]

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The Correlation Between Satisfaction News Award With The Provider Consumer Loyalty

By |2013-10-20T12:19:07+00:00October 20th, 2013|Marketing, Uncategorized|

The Correlation Between Satisfaction News Award With The Provider Consumer Loyalty (Correlation Study of ICSA 2009 News Award with Telkom Speedy Consumer Loyalty) This research is about the correlation between ICSA 2009 news award and Telkom Speedy consumer loyalty. ICSA 2009 award has been given by Frontier Consulting Group and SWA magazine for Telkom Speedy [...]

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Now Available – Exposure vol.2

By |2013-10-18T13:10:49+00:00October 18th, 2013|Journal, Uncategorized|

Now available! Communicare - Journal of Communication Studies & Exposure - Journal of Advanced Communication Get this journal each only IDR 35.000. Transfer to BRI - Sudirman Park Office No. 2046 01 000 028 305 a/n Prita Kemal Gani Please keep the transfer receipt to change with the journal at Prof. Margono Research Centre. For [...]

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The Role of Community Relations Program in Telecommunication Company

By |2013-10-18T13:05:53+00:00October 18th, 2013|Public Relations, Uncategorized|

The Role of Community Relations Program in Telecommunication Company with Fiber-optic- Based Technology in Improving Internet Customer Trust (Descriptive Study on the Internet Subsidy of Biznet Networks) This study discusses about the role of Community Relations programs in telecommunications companies with fiber-optic-based technology to improve customer trust in the company. The research was conducted in [...]

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Brand Image Influence on Cosmetic Products Buying Decision By Consumers

By |2013-10-18T13:01:55+00:00October 18th, 2013|Abstract Undergraduate, Marketing, Uncategorized|

Brand Image Influence on Cosmetic Products Buying Decision By Consumers (Survey On PT. Sariayu Martha Tilaar’s Consumer, Jakarta) Development era encourage women to become increasingly concerned with beauty matter. One of media that can meet the basic needs of female beauty is cosmetic products. Besides as a need fulfillment, cosmetic products is also a means [...]

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Strategi Komunikasi Instansi Pemerintah RI Dalam Mempromosikan Batik

By |2013-10-18T12:43:09+00:00October 18th, 2013|Abstract Undergraduate, Marketing, Uncategorized|

Strategi Komunikasi Instansi Pemerintah RI Dalam Mempromosikan Batik Untuk Memperoleh Dukungan Dari Masyarakat Internasional (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Pada Kementerian Luar Negeri RI – Jakarta Atas Pengukuhan Batik Oleh UNESCO) - Megawati Indonesia is a country rich in cultural heritage, one of which is batik. Initially seen as batik clothes that can only be. However, batik [...]

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Audience Response on Sariwangi’s Tea Ad

By |2013-10-18T12:39:58+00:00October 18th, 2013|Abstract Undergraduate, Marketing, Uncategorized|

Audience Response on Sariwangi’s Tea Ad Lets Talk Version in Television (Quantitative Descriptive Study of Sariwangi Lets Talk Ad Birthday’s Versionon BSD CitizensSekt 1.7 RW. 011) The research describes the responses of viewers to Sariwangi’s Ads Let's Talk version made by Sariwangi Brand. It is interesting to conduct research because of many communication problems occured [...]

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Promotional Strategy of Hybrid Automobile

By |2013-10-18T12:14:45+00:00October 18th, 2013|Abstract Undergraduate, Marketing, Uncategorized|

Promotional Strategy of Hybrid Automobile to Indonesia Society (Analysis of PT Toyota Astra Motors’ IMC Strategies on Launching Toyota Prius Gen.III in Jakarta) Promoting or introducing hybrid cars to the people need different promotional strategies. Even though it stills called a car, it embraces different system, which is hybrid. Hybrid car is a car that [...]

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