Celebrity Endorsers in Government Communication: A Plausible Option amidst Uncertainty and Declining Public Trust- Mohamad Alppy Valdez, Rendro Dhani
ABSTRACT This paper examines the harness of celebrity endorsers by government organizations as a strategy of political public relations. The purpose of this study was to broaden understanding of how celebrity endorsers and key opinion [...]
Freedom of the Press Regulations in Indonesia and Sweden: Limited but Free – Haresti Asysy Amrihani, Rajab Ritonga
ABSTRACT Freedom of the press regulations are adhered to by various countries, including Indonesia and Sweden. Every nation wants their country to be free, and uphold freedom of expression and human rights. Sweden is the [...]
Cyberintimacy Involvement on Building Emotional Intimacy in Close Relationship on Indonesian Tinder Users – Fahira Syifa Machfudz, Rino Febrianno Boer, Nicky Wongso
ABSTRACT Tinder, as one of the most popular online dating applications, is nicknamed as the hookup app. The negative perceptions inherent among the public were born because of how users in western countries operate the [...]
The Hegemony of Western Pop Music in Indonesia 2010-2020 Period – Andre Ikhsano, Jeremy Asido Sianipar
ABSTRACT One of the strong and real cultural dominations in Indonesia is the dominance of Western pop music. In this case, there is a voluntary acceptance by the Indonesian people of Western pop music which [...]
Indonesia’s Response to Covid-19 Outbreak: Raising Awareness through Community Engagement and Actionable Volunteer Contribution – Janette Maria Pinariya, Carelyn Josephine, Wulan Yulianti, Anita Yunia
ABSTRACT The world is in the grip of a health crisis due to the unforeseen consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic causing a substantial increase in distress associated with pain, depression, and loss. Indonesia is not [...]
LSPR Berikan Pelatihan Komunikasi Efektif Kepada Staf Kominfo
LSPR Communication and Business Institute memberikan pelatihan komunikasi efektif dalam grup kepada tiga puluhan staf Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo). Pelatihan yang diadakan di kawasan BSD ini diberikan oleh Direktur Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi, dan Pengabdian [...]